Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Munich, GERMANY
Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Yogaloft München, Munich
(in German)
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)
This 6 day / 50 hour certified module is intended to deepen our understanding of Yin Yoga through the experiential, practical and theoretical application. We study in depth the 20+ basic yin yoga poses and discover a sense of security and deepen our ability to effectively practice and teach, through developing an anatomical awareness and understanding of skeletal variation.
We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations. Anatomy is the key.
Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:
1. Yin Yoga Asanas
This section covers the theory and practice for safely practicing and teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.
2. Anatomy is the Key
Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.
3. 7-Point Analysing Principle for Assists - Theory
This course focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-Point Analysing Principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.
4. 7-Point Analysing Principle - Practical Tests
In this Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training, we study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students. We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others. Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.
The foundation has been laid.
For more detailed information about the YYTT Module 1 course syllabus please click here
This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice.
After each successfully completed module, the participant receives a Yoga Alliance certification until the final 200h or 300h Yoga Alliance certificate is issued after the last module. All partial certificates (hours) can also be submitted to the Yoga Alliance as “Continuing Education” (YACEP).
Attendance of the entire programme is required. To be eligible to receive the 50 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training certificate of completion for this course, you must attend all hours of the training and complete all required assignments. Please plan your time and travel accordingly in order to not miss any of the sessions.
Required Reading (before the commencement of the training)
Yin Therapy - Yin Yoga: Asanas│Anatomy│Biomechanics
Available to order online here
Price: €49.90
Tue 22.07. - Sun 27.07.2025
8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.15pm - 5.15pm
Full Price €1200 (from 23.04.2025)
Earlybird €1050 (booked and paid in full by 22.04.2025)
Yogaloft München, Buttermelcherstr. 11, 80476 München
More information at Yogaloft München