Yin Yoga - Skeletal Variations Workshop (English) - Auckland, New Zealand
Yin Yoga - Skeletal Variations Workshop - Golden Yogi, Auckland
(in English)
Following international yoga teacher (and fellow Paul Grilley student) Bernie Clark’s long awaited and hotly discussed book “Your Body, Your Yoga”, yoga students and teachers around the world are recognising the limitations (and potential harm) of the “one alignment for all” rule book.
In this 4hr intensive workshop, we will learn about individual bone structure, discover just how different our bone structures really are and how this has great significance in regards to the question of yoga alignment. When we understand the importance of respecting our individual bone structure, we realise the shortfall of classic alignment rules and the importance of finding our own individual alignment and consequently we will discover our own very individual and unique yoga asana practice – maximising the benefits and minimising the risk of injury.
We will conclude the workshop by taking our new knowledge on to the mat with a profound and deeply relaxing yin yoga class. Individual alignment is relevant for all styles of yoga asana, but with a yin yoga class we have the benefit of time while marinating in one pose, to explore our bones, our joints, our bodies to feel where they naturally want to align. We will discover that by respecting the individual alignment of our individual bodies, our yoga asana practice will become liberated.
12.00pm – 4.00pm
Golden Yogi Beachside Studio, Level 1 / 46 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, Auckland
For enquiries and bookings, please visit Golden Yogi