Filtering by: 2016 Teacher Training

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Vienna, Austria
to Oct 15

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Vienna, Austria

  • Power Yoga Vienna (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Power Yoga Vienna
(in German)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

In our 6 day certified Level I (50 hour) training of our 200 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we not only learn the 20 basic yin yoga poses in theory and in practice, we also discover a sense of security when teaching, through developing an anatomical understanding of skeletal variation.

We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations.  Anatomy is the key. 

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

This section covers the theory and practice for teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.

2. Anatomy is the key

Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

The Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-point analysis principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.

4. 7-point analysis principle - practical tests

In the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we’ll study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students.  We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others.  Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.

The foundation has been laid.

This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice.

This level I training is a certified stand-alone teacher training and is also the first of four modules that together make up Yin Therapy’s 200hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Power Yoga Vienna.

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training III (German) - Hamburg, Germany
to Sep 16

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training III (German) - Hamburg, Germany

  • Flying Yogi Hamburg (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training III - Flying Yogi Hamburg
(in German)

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." (Lao-tzu)

You have already completed many steps along your personal and unique Yin Yoga & Anatomy journey.

In this teacher training we complete the yin yoga practice and yoga anatomy theory, in that we focus on the individual bone structure, muscles and facial chains of the upper body and discover the implications to our yin and yang yoga practice with the aid of many tests, analysis, variations and therapeutic suggestions e.g. shoulder neck pain.

Welcome to Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training III
This 50-hour certified intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 5 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

In this yin yoga teacher training programme, we’ll concentrate – as in level II – on various poses and passive assists, as well as exploring creative approaches to our own yoga practice and that of our students.

2. Anatomy is the key

In YYTT III, we’ll learn about the muscle groups of the upper body as well as their function in yoga, and will look more closely at the shoulder cuff along with other upper body joints.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists

In this section of the training, we’ll improve our knowledge of the 7-point analysis principle – focusing on the upper body in particular.

4. Application of the 7-point analysis principle – tests and analysis of assists/adjustments

In this element of the training programme, we will focus on applying the 7-point analysis principle for assists and study ways of analysing yoga poses on the basis of compression and tension, orientation of the joints, and proportions.

5. Yin Therapy - the therapeutic benefits of Yin Yoga

In YYTT II, we established a basic understanding of how Yin Yoga can enhance and restore balance for ourselves and our students.

In YYTT III, we delve deeper.

Students must have completed Yin Therapy's Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I and II courses to be able to participate in Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training III.

This level III training is a certified stand-alone teacher training and is also the second of four modules that together make up Yin Therapy’s 200hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Flying Yogi Hamburg-Altona

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II (German) - Hamburg, Germany
to Sep 9

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II (German) - Hamburg, Germany

  • Flying Yogi Hamburg (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II - Flying Yogi Hamburg
(in German)

"Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand." (Confucius)

Confucius’ saying reflects the emphasis of this particular Yin Yoga Teacher Training where the focus is on sensing, feeling, experiencing the yin yoga practice and the unique anatomy of our individual bone structure for ourselves.  You will be analysing yourselves and each other, conducting passive assists as well as experiencing compression and tension amongst your fellow students.  Through this very much hands on, practical approach your knowledge and understanding will be increased tenfold.

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training II
This 50-hour intensive certified yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 6 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

In this continuance of our yin yoga teacher training programme, we concentrate mainly on the 9 awareness points of functional yoga.

2. Anatomy is the key

As well as analysing compression, we’ll study the tension of the muscular and fascial tissues and the effect of these on the asana practice.  This will allow us to offer our students logical assists.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

In this section of the training schedule, we’ll improve our knowledge of the 7-point analysis principle.

4. Application of the 7-point analysis principle – tests and analysis of assists/adjustments

In this element of the training programme, we’ll focus on applying the 7-point analysis principle for assists and – working with the student – study ways of analysing yoga poses on the basis of compression and tension, orientation of the joints, and proportions.

To do this, we’ll learn tests from the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training I programme then apply them to our fellow students.

One special feature of this series of tests will be analysing a shoulder stand in detail. This is a sneak preview for the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training level III programme, where we’ll focus on the upper body and extremities.

5. Passive Assists

In section 5 we learn passive, hand-on assists.

6. Yin Therapy - the therapeutic benefits of Yin Yoga

In YYTT II, we establish a basic understanding of how – using Yin Therapy's approach – we can therapeutically support our students’ individual and specific physical and emotional issues.

According to statistics, 25% of the yoga students who come to us took up yoga originally precisely because they have these specific problems.

Students must have completed our Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training I programme to be able to participate in the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training II programme.

This level II training is a certified stand-alone teacher training and is also the second of four modules that together make up Yin Therapy’s 200hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Flying Yogi Hamburg-Altona

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Hamburg, Germany
to Sep 2

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Hamburg, Germany

  • Flying Yogi Hamburg (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Flying Yogi Hamburg
(in German)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

In this 6 day certified Level I (50 hour) training of our 200 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we not only learn the 20 basic yin yoga poses in theory and in practice, we also discover a sense of security when teaching, through developing an anatomical understanding of skeletal variation.

We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations.  Anatomy is the key. 

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

This section covers the theory and practice for teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.

2. Anatomy is the key

Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

The Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-point analysis principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.

4. 7-point analysis principle - practical tests

In the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we’ll study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students.  We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others.  Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.

The foundation has been laid.

This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice.

This level I training is a certified stand-alone teacher training and is also the first of four modules that together make up Yin Therapy’s 200hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Flying Yogi Hamburg-Altona

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Frankfurt, Germany
to Jun 3

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Frankfurt, Germany

  • Inside Yoga Frankfurt (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Inside Yoga Frankfurt
(in German)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

In this certified Level I (50 hour) training of our 200 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we not only learn the 20 basic yin yoga poses in theory and in practice, we also discover a sense of security when teaching, through developing an anatomical understanding of skeletal variation.

We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations.  Anatomy is the key. 

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

This section covers the theory and practice for teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.

2. Anatomy is the key

Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

The Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-point analysis principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.

4. 7-point analysis principle - practical tests

In the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we’ll study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students.  We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others.  Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.

The foundation has been laid.

This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Inside Yoga

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II (German) - Zurich, Switzerland
to May 21

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II (German) - Zurich, Switzerland

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II - Planet Yoga, Zurich
(in German)

"Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand." (Confucius)

Confucius’ saying reflects the emphasis of this particular Yin Yoga Teacher Training where the focus is on sensing, feeling, experiencing the yin yoga practice and the unique anatomy of our individual bone structure for ourselves.  You will be analysing yourselves and each other, conducting passive assists as well as experiencing compression and tension amongst your fellow students.  Through this very much hands on, practical approach your knowledge and understanding will be increased tenfold.

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training II
This 50-hour certified intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 6 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

In this continuance of our yin yoga teacher training programme, we concentrate mainly on the 9 awareness points of functional yoga.

2. Anatomy is the key

As well as analysing compression, we’ll study the tension of the muscular and fascial tissues and the effect of these on the asana practice.  This will allow us to offer our students logical assists.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

In this section of the training schedule, we’ll improve our knowledge of the 7-point analysis principle.

4. Application of the 7-point analysis principle – tests and analysis of assists/adjustments

In this element of the training programme, we’ll focus on applying the 7-point analysis principle for assists and – working with the student – study ways of analysing yoga poses on the basis of compression and tension, orientation of the joints, and proportions.

To do this, we’ll learn tests from the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training I programme then apply them to our fellow students.

One special feature of this series of tests will be analysing a shoulder stand in detail. This is a sneak preview for the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training level III programme, where we’ll focus on the upper body and extremities.

5. Passive Assists

In section 5 we learn passive, hand-on assists.

6. Yin Therapy - the therapeutic benefits of Yin Yoga

In YYTT II, we establish a basic understanding of how – using Yin Therapy's approach – we can employ the therapeutic elements of Yin Yoga to support our students’ individual and specific physical and emotional issues.

According to statistics, 25% of the yoga students who come to us took up yoga originally precisely because they have these specific problems.

Students must have completed our Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training I programme to be able to participate in the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training II programme.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Planet Yoga

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Zurich, Switzerland
to May 14

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Zurich, Switzerland

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Planet Yoga, Zurich
(in German)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

In this certified Level I (50 hour) training of our 200 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we not only learn the 20 basic yin yoga poses in theory and in practice, we also discover a sense of security when teaching, through developing an anatomical understanding of skeletal variation.

We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations.  Anatomy is the key. 

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

This section covers the theory and practice for teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.

2. Anatomy is the key

Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

The Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-point analysis principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.

4. 7-point analysis principle - practical tests

In the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we’ll study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students.  We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others.  Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.

The foundation has been laid.

This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Planet Yoga

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II (German) - Bremen, Germany
to Apr 30

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II (German) - Bremen, Germany

  • Vinyaloft Bremen (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II - Vinya Loft Yogastudio, Bremen (in German)

"Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand."" (Confucius)

Confucius’ saying reflects the emphasis of this particular Yin Yoga Teacher Training where the focus is on sensing, feeling, experiencing the yin yoga practice and the unique anatomy of our individual bone structure for ourselves.  You will be analysing yourselves and each other, conducting passive assists as well as experiencing compression and tension amongst your fellow students.  Through this very much hands on, practical approach your knowledge and understanding will be increased tenfold.

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training II
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 6 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

In this continuance of our yin yoga teacher training programme, we concentrate mainly on the 9 awareness points of functional yoga.

2. Anatomy is the key

As well as analysing compression, we’ll study the tension of the muscular and fascial tissues and the effect of these on the asana practice.  This will allow us to offer our students logical assists.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

In this section of the training schedule, we’ll improve our knowledge of the 7-point analysis principle.

4. Application of the 7-point analysis principle – tests and analysis of assists/adjustments

In this element of the training programme, we’ll focus on applying the 7-point analysis principle for assists and – working with the student – study ways of analysing yoga poses on the basis of compression and tension, orientation of the joints, and proportions.

To do this, we’ll learn tests from the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training I programme then apply them to our fellow students.

One special feature of this series of tests will be analysing a shoulder stand in detail. This is a sneak preview for the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training level III programme, where we’ll focus on the upper body and extremities.

5. Passive Assists

In section 5 we learn passive, hand-on assists.

6. Yin Therapy - the therapeutic benefits of Yin Yoga

In YYTT II, we establish a basic understanding of how – using Yin Therapy's approach – we can employ the therapeutic elements of Yin Yoga to support our students’ individual and specific physical and emotional issues.

According to statistics, 25% of the yoga students who come to us took up yoga originally precisely because they have these specific problems.

Students must have completed our Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training I programme to be able to participate in the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training II programme.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Vinyaloft Bremen

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Bremen, Germany
to Apr 23

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (German) - Bremen, Germany

  • Vinyaloft Bremen (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Vinya Loft Yogastudio, Bremen (in German)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

In this certified Level I (50 hour) training of our 200 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we not only learn the 20 basic yin yoga poses in theory and in practice, we also discover a sense of security when teaching, through developing an anatomical understanding of skeletal variation.

We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations.  Anatomy is the key. 

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

This section covers the theory and practice for teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.

2. Anatomy is the key

Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

The Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-point analysis principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.

4. 7-point analysis principle - practical tests

In the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training programme, we’ll study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students.  We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others.  Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.

The foundation has been laid.

This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance of this training, students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate which can be counted towards our 200 hour Yin Therapy Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme or Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance.

For more information please go to Vinyaloft Bremen at:

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II (English) - Auckland, New Zealand
to Mar 19

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II (English) - Auckland, New Zealand

  • Golden Yogi (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II - Golden Yogi, Auckland (in English)

"Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand." (Confucius)

Confucius’ saying reflects the emphasis of this particular Yin Yoga Teacher Training where the focus is on sensing, feeling, experiencing the yin yoga practice and the unique anatomy of our individual bone structure for ourselves.  You will be analysing yourselves and each other, conducting passive assists as well as experiencing compression and tension amongst your fellow students.  Through this very much hands on, practical approach your knowledge and understanding will be increased tenfold.

Welcome to Yin Yoga Teacher Training II
This 50-hour intensive certified yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 6 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

In this continuance of our yin yoga teacher training programme, we concentrate mainly on the 9 awareness points of functional yoga.

2. Anatomy is the key

As well as analysing compression, we’ll study the tension of the muscular and fascial tissues and the effect of these on the asana practice.  This will allow us to offer our students logical assists.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

In this section of the training schedule, we’ll improve our knowledge of the 7-point analysis principle.

4. Application of the 7-point analysis principle – tests and analysis of assists/adjustments

In this element of the training programme, we’ll focus on applying the 7-point analysis principle for assists and – working with the student – study ways of analysing yoga poses on the basis of compression and tension, orientation of the joints, and proportions.

To do this, we’ll learn tests from the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training I programme then apply them to our fellow students.

One special feature of this series of tests will be analysing a shoulder stand in detail. This is a sneak preview for the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training level III programme, where we’ll focus on the upper body and extremities.

5. Passive Assists

In section 5 we learn passive, hand-on assists.

6. Yin Therapy - the therapeutic benefits of Yin Yoga

In YYTT II, we establish a basic understanding of how – using Yin Therapy's approach – we can employ the therapeutic elements of Yin Yoga to support our students’ individual and specific physical and emotional issues.

According to statistics, 25% of the yoga students who come to us took up yoga originally precisely because they have these specific problems.

Students must have completed our Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training I programme to be able to participate in the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training II programme.

On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance you will be awarded a 50 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training certificate.

FEE: NZ$1100 (early bird offer NZ$950 when fully paid by 20 December 2015)

For more detailed information click here.

For bookings please go to Golden Yogi at:

For more detailed information about our Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training programme:

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (English) - Auckland, New Zealand
to Mar 12

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (English) - Auckland, New Zealand

  • Golden Yogi Studio 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Golden Yogi, Auckland
(in English)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

In this 6 day/50 hour certified Level I course of our 200 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training, we not only learn the 20 basic yin yoga poses in theory and in practice, we also discover a sense of security when teaching, through developing an anatomical understanding of skeletal variation.

We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations.  Anatomy is the key. 

Welcome to Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:

1. Yin Yoga asanas

This section covers the theory and practice for teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.

2. Anatomy is the key

Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

This Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-point analysis principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.

4. 7-point analysis principle - practical tests

In the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training, we’ll study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students.  We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others.  Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.

The foundation has been laid.

This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice. This training is a certified stand-alone teacher training and is also the first of four modules that together make up Yin Therapy’s 200hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training.

 On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance you will be awarded a 50 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training certificate.

FEE: NZ$1100 (early bird offer NZ$950 when fully paid by 20 December 2015)

For more detailed information click here.

For bookings please go to Golden Yogi at:

For more detailed information about the syllabus:

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (English) - Melbourne, Australia
to Feb 13

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (English) - Melbourne, Australia

  • Flying Masters (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Flying Masters
(in English)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

In this 6 day/50 hour certified Level I course of our 200 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training, we not only learn the 20 basic yin yoga poses in theory and in practice, we also discover a sense of security when teaching, through developing an anatomical understanding of skeletal variation.

We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations.  Anatomy is the key. 

Welcome to Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

This section covers the theory and practice for teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.

2. Anatomy is the key

Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

This Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-point analysis principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.

4. 7-point analysis principle - practical tests

In the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training, we’ll study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students.  We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others.  Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.

The foundation has been laid.

This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice. This training is a certified stand-alone teacher training and is also the first of four modules that together make up Yin Therapy’s 200hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training.

 On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance you will be awarded a 50 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training certificate.

FEE: AU$1380 (AU$1250 Early Bird offer ends 31 December 2015)

For more detailed information about the syllabus, venue, booking information etc please click here

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (English) - Wellington, New Zealand
to Jan 29

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I (English) - Wellington, New Zealand

  • Yoga Centre for Higher Self (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I - Yoga Centre for Higher Self, Wellington
(in English)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

In this 6 day/50 hour certified Level I course of our 200 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training, we not only learn the 20 basic yin yoga poses in theory and in practice, we also discover a sense of security when teaching, through developing an anatomical understanding of skeletal variation.

We learn to employ the 7 point analysis principle to understand each yoga pose as well as the individual and unique bodies of not only ourselves but also our students. In turn this enables us to offer logical assists and variations.  Anatomy is the key. 

Welcome to Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I
This 50-hour intensive yoga teaching programme (6 days) comprises 4 sections:

1. Yin yoga asanas

This section covers the theory and practice for teaching 20 yin yoga poses, including their specific characteristics and their effects.

2. Anatomy is the key

Anatomical understanding of not only the individual bone structure but also the muscular, connective, fascial and ligament tissues is an essential prerequisite for an effective yoga teacher.

3. 7-point analysis principle for assists - theory

This Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training focuses less on teaching set assists and much more on introducing a 7-point analysis principle, which you can then use for every known yoga pose and for each individual student.

4. 7-point analysis principle - practical tests

In the Yin Yoga and Anatomy Teacher Training, we’ll study and apply a series of practical tests for analysing the bone structure, compression and tension of our students.  We will have the opportunity to learn – in a safe environment – to read a human being, to sense our own limitations and to test and recognise those of others.  Eventually, with the benefit of myriad insights and enhanced self-awareness, we will be able to assess the needs and limitations of any individual student.

The foundation has been laid.

This training is suitable for already certified and aspiring yoga teachers as well as dedicated yoga students, who wish for a deeper understanding of Yin Yoga and Yoga Anatomy for their teaching and/or own practice. This training is a certified stand-alone teacher training and is also the first of four modules that together make up Yin Therapy’s 200hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training.

 On successful completion of all assignments and 100% attendance you will be awarded a 50 hour Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training certificate.

FEE: NZ$1100 (early bird offer NZ$950 when fully paid by 15 November 2015)

For more detailed information click here.

For online booking please click here or otherwise email Yoga Centre for Higher Self at: info@higherself.co.nz 

For more detailed information about the syllabus:

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