YIN THERAPYYin Yoga Masterclasses (German) - Hamburg, Germany

Yin Yoga Masterclasses (German) - Hamburg, Germany

  • Flying Yogi Hamburg Große Bergstraße 152 Hamburg, HH, 22767 Germany (map)

Yin Yoga Masterclasses - Flying Yogi Hamburg
(in German)

The journey from the gross to the subtle body. 

"When someone asks me what is so special about Yin Yoga, I answer: it is the journey from the gross to the subtle body, that we can experience during our yoga practice and the insight that results from it. The magic and the healing unfold during the Rebound." - M.G. 

Experience and enjoy the journey inwards in this intensive Yin Yoga Masterclass.
We will stimulate the internal energy through our mind, breath, resonance and our body. 

During the Rebound effect we will sense the gentle to strong electrical stimulation of the chakra and meridian systems and the resulting powerful effect on the physical, emotional, energetic and mental levels. An experience that you will not forget. 

Chakra pranayama meditation
• Rebound – feel, hear, see

Bija mantras
• Rebound – feel, hear, see

Yin Yoga asana practice
• Rebound -  feel, hear, see

Silent Meditation

7:30am – 10:30am & 1pm - 4pm

One session: €45  
Both sessions: € 80 

For more information please go to Flying Yogi Hamburg-Altona