Yoga Therapy Conference - Yogaart Studio, Rosenheim
(in German)
Saturday 13.05.2017 - 11.15am - 12.45pm
Yin Yoga Hip Opener Class "Issues in the Tissues"
Why is Yin Yoga & hip opener classes so often emotional?
This Yin Yoga class is aimed at everyone who always wanted to know why long held Yin yoga asanas eg. hip openers leave us so vulnerable and emotional.
What is coming up? How do I deal with it? Is this part of my yoga journey?
Sunday 14.05.2017 - 2.30pm - 4.00pm
Attention: Individual Bone Structure
Following international yoga teacher (and fellow Paul Grilley student) Bernie Clark’s long awaited and hotly discussed book “Your Body, Your Yoga”, yoga students and teachers around the world are recognising the limitations (and potential harm) of the “one alignment for all” rule book.
We will learn about individual bone structure, discover just how different our bone structures really are and how this has great significance in regards to the question of yoga alignment. When we understand the importance of respecting our individual bone structure, we realise the shortfall of classic alignment rules and the importance of finding our own individual alignment and consequently we will discover our own very individual and unique yoga asana practice – maximising the benefits and minimising the risk of injury.
Are we all the same? You will be surprised to discover how much skeletal variation exists in one room of yogis! You will find up to 80 degree difference in the joints from one person to another.
For more information and registration Yoga Therapy Conference