Posts tagged #Fascia

Spiderweb network Fascia (Tensegrity) and what on earth does it have to do with a T-Shirt?

Imagine a room. Then imagine that in this room there are very dense spider webs, spun three-dimensionally in every direction, intertwining and attached to all four walls, the ceiling and the floor.

Granted, this would be a horror scene for many of us.

Next, imagine yourself entering this room and making contact with one of these webs. The resulting vibration would be felt and measured in each network and fibre. If we coloured every fibre of the web that has been affected by the contact red, the whole room would be illuminated by red spider’s webs.

The spider’s webs are the fascia in our body.


Fascial Research – the three most important findings

Our fascial network only began getting attention from researchers in 2003.  Beforehand it had led a very shadowy existence.  The fascial tissue was widely considered to be simply filling material for our bodies and nothing more.

In 2007, that all changed with the first Fascia Congress held at the Harvard Medical School in Boston headed up by leading scientists, physicians and clinical practitioners from all over the world.
